Must-haves for breastfeeding: The ultimate guide for new parents
I will say for the average breastfeeding/chestfeeding journey you may need nothing at all but for many who have some bumps in the road having the right accessories can make the journey smoother and more comfortable for new parents. Whether you're a new parent or you're just shopping for one, this blog will walk you through some essentials to have on hand.
ANPA: Engorgment/latch difficult
Sometimes engorgement can make at-the-breast/chestfeeding a challenge. The breast/chest may be too tight to latch onto easily or, depending on your & your baby's anatomy may make getting the signal to start sucking to the right place in the mouth a challenge.
Covid safety protocols update
I am here to support you getting the breastfeeding/chestfeeding support that you need. I am still offering virtual appointments to those who are more comfortable having a visit at home, but am now offering in person appointments as well.
Baby feeding log
Here's what you'll find in this baby feeding log
Reminders of what you should expect in the first days of life, as things change quickly day by day.
Charts of how many diapers per day to expect.