Parenting classes & support group

Elimination Communication (infant potty training) & Cloth Diapering

What: Curious about elimination communication (EC), newborn pottying, or natural infant hygiene? Whatever you call it, this class will give you all the tools you need to confidently start pottying your baby from day one—or anytime up to 18 months!

In this engaging and practical workshop, we’ll cover:
✔️ How to recognize your baby’s natural cues and rhythms
✔️ Step-by-step guidance to start EC at any age
✔️ Tips for making pottying a smooth and stress-free part of daily life
✔️ Cloth diapering 101
✔️ The best clothing choices to make pottying easier (and adorable!)
✔️ A look at tiny potties that are just right for little ones

Whether you’re brand new to EC or just looking for expert guidance, you’ll walk away feeling empowered and excited to support your baby’s natural instincts. Join us and discover a whole new way to connect with your baby!

For Who: Anyone interested in learning about EC!

When: Single class

Saturday afternoon (1-3) May 3rd

Saturday afternoon (1-3) July 12th

Register: The fee for this class is $65

Lactation & newborn care

with the East Bay Birth Collective

What: This 2 session series helps prepare you for life after your baby arrives - from the first minutes through the first 6 months. With one day dedicated to learning the ins and outs of lactation, including increasing supply, pumping and bottles, and a second day dedicated to newborn care topics, you’ll be ready to take on the early days with ease.

For Who: Soon to be parents or caregivers who are planning to breast/chestfeed. Registration includes two parents/caregivers.

When: this is a 2-week series offered on rotation every month and a half

Thursday evenings (6:30-8:30), April 3rd & 10th (FULL, please reach out for waitlist)

Thursday evenings (6:30-8:30), May 22nd & 29th

Thursday evenings (5:30-7:30), August 7th & 14th

Sunday mornings (10:00-12:00), October 19th & 26th

Thursday evenings (5:30-7:30), December 4th & 11th

Register: Click the register button. The fee for this class is $175 and includes birther and partner.

Nourishing your baby nourishing yourself: 6 week support group

What: Eat, learn, and connect: Come and share a nourishing meal with other new parents, learn from an IBCLC about common lactation issues, connect on the challenges of the first year.

Week 1: Overview:Taking care of ourselves and asking for help from our community so we can feel ourselves again, sleep, movement and nervous system regulation.

Week 2: What is depleted for me personally

Week 3: Logistics: Pumping and bottle feeding

Week 4: Going back to work

Week 5: Introducing solids

Week 6: Sleep yours and theirs

In our culture we try to get back to “normal”, back to work, back to busy life as quickly as possible by jumping in but most parents find that leaves them exhausted, drained and a shell of who they where because we haven’t acknowledged that pregnancy and childbirth take a lot out of us not just emotionally or even our energy but those adorable little parasites also drain our body of many of our vital nutrients and minerals and they are not easily replaced with a standard or even healthy diet for that matter. This support groups helps to replenish yourself holistically, using nutrients, hormones, connection with others, and information.

12:00 Lunch & check-in(nourishing soups and stews full of veggies, proteins, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals)

12:45 Info session (Practical info on how to rebuild your health and focus on the real life challenges you have in front of you when it comes to caring for yourself and your new baby)

1:00 Peer support and q & a about the topic of the week or just what is coming up for you that week

(I can make accommodations for vegetarians, dairy free or gluten free ore corn free)

For Who: Gestational parents and their babies under 12 months

When: 6 week series

Wednesday lunches (12:30-2:30) April 30th, May 7th, May 14th, May 21st, May 28th & June 4th

Wednesday lunches (12:30-2:30) June 25th, July 2nd, July 9th, July 16th, July 23rd, July 30th

Registration: Insurance is accepted, please Email me with your insurance card to see if you have this benefit: Aetna PPO (You have a finite number of visits this class will use up all your visits), United healthcare, Blue cross blue shield, Cigna & Health Net some plans are covered. There is a deposit required for those wanting to bill insurance (if this places an undue burden please contact me).

$540 for the series for the couplette (lunch included)