Small Adjustments to Find Your Effective Latch: Your Ultimate Guide
The Handout: How to fix a painful or ineffective latch
Sometimes you don’t need to make big changes to be much more comfortable, here are some small changes that I do with many clients to help them feel more comfortable and to get baby more milk.
Why taking a breastfeeding class is essential!
Breastfeeding or chestfeeding your baby has many benfits, health (for both you and your little one) as well as practical and cost benefits.
Breastfeeding pain in breast or chestfeeding pain in chest
Here I would like to talk about some of the causes of pain in breast while breastfeeding with no lump as well as other kinds of pain that parents may experience in the breast that less commonly talked about.
Overactive letdown and oversupply
Having oversupply is painful, it often means waking up in the night to empty your breast/chest even if your baby is sleeping peacefully. With overactive letdown, few parents experience as painful directly but it can be very challenging for the baby to manage and they may learn that having a shallow latch is safer for their airway which in turn leads to painful breastfeeding/chestfeeding and decrease in supply.
Tongue tie in the breastfed or chestfed baby
Babies need to have proper tongue function in order to breastfeed or chestfeed effectively. The tongue plays an important role in milk removal by:
ANPA: Engorgment/latch difficult
Sometimes engorgement can make at-the-breast/chestfeeding a challenge. The breast/chest may be too tight to latch onto easily or, depending on your & your baby's anatomy may make getting the signal to start sucking to the right place in the mouth a challenge.
3 home remedies for treating your baby’s oral thrush
We have Candida all over and in our bodies, including in our mouths. Only when there's an overgrowth of the Candida population that it becomes an issue. An imbalance in the immune system, an immature immune system, and/or a disruption in the balance of the bacteria populations are the most common causes of the development of thrush
8 home remedies for treating nipple thrush naturally
In most cases, you can treat mild to moderate thrush infections at home. You should see an improvement in nipple /breast pain within 5-7 days of starting the natural remedies.
How to avoid nipple pain while breastfeeding or chestfeeding
The number one cause of nipple pain is a shallow latch. The first thing I recommend my clients do is to work on latching their baby well. This post is an update to "How to get a good latch".
How to get a good latch
Getting a good latch helps breastfeeding andchestfeeding parents to transfer milk successfully and avoid pain. Knowing when to get lactation support can help you meet your goals.